
Although close-up magic is the most entertaining and impressive form of magic, stage magic is the most difficult to perform. The secret is to be able to project your personality to the audience. You will find that Joe does this well.

One television program (After Midnight) brought Joe back for four separate shows. He amazed the audiences both in studio and at home. Even the host of the show was amazed when a metal bird cage vanished out of his own hands. The cameras tried to zero in to find the secret when Joe cut his beautiful assistant into 3 separate pieces.
The audience gasped while watching Joe thrust flaming torches into his mouth (with a beard) only to be more astonished when he turned a ball of the flames into a rabbit. Many companies have had the delight of watching their President or CEO produced on stage and made into a magic star helping Joe with the magic. Joe Mystic’s show will provide guaranteed success for any event.
If your job is to hire the best entertainment you can find, JOE will be the star of the show and YOU will be the star in your office.